Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Grand Canyon by Bailey N.

the Grand Canyon sky view

   For my spring break I not only got to go to Arizona but I got to visit the Grand Canyon! It was AMAZING! It actually loked like a wallpaper, it was so big and dusty! As a bonus though I get to learn about  it in science in class!
       I guess you could say I got a 'birds- eye -view' of the Grand Canyon because I got to go on a helicopter ride over it! The Grand Canyon is so big! It is really hard to believe a river made it! But while I was up there, I finally got what Mrs. Kurtz was trying to teach us in science. The Colorado plateau is completly and totally flat.  Then over time the Grand Canyon was formed by the Colorado River. So a car could be driving along on a completly flat surface and then fall off a cliff!
       The Grand Canyon looks kind of like bumpy roller coaster.  You fall off a cliff than climb up a steep piece of the plateau, then fall off again,and so forth.
           If you were wondering, we didn't get to see any animals or Native American tribes living in the Grand Canyon! (I know there are animals, but some people including me,still question if any Native Americans live there!) Anyway I'm still disappointed. I wanted to see something cool like a mountain lion !
              Well enough about me,and hopefully you can someday see the amazing Grand Canyon like me!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Safety Patrol by Jalu W

This story is about being a safety patrol. Safety patrol isn't that hard, you just have to get used to it like I did. You just monitor the kids. I was a safety patrol and I had to take Kindergarteners to their correct bus. A lot of kids in my class have the same post as me. Some people don't wear belts, but I wear my belt most of the time. I have two kindergarteners and both of them take the same bus. At the end of the second trimester safety patrols have a pizza party. For me,  the pizza is good. I added garlic juice to it. Some patrols don't feel like coming. For me safety patrol is fun but I'am just relived it ended because I was a little tired of it. There are a lot os patrol posts like monitoring the  portables, bus circle, kindergarten, Team 2, Team 3, Team 4, and  maybe more. At the end of the trimester other patrols that signed up "shadow" the current person. A person shadows me also. The two kindegarteners ars probably going to miss me. I will probably take patrol next year. Did I tell you if you get the winter post, you get hot chocolate if you take the morning post?  It is a lot of fun.   
Jalu with his patrol belt